Most of the business and event listings on are user-created through our business database. You can create a free account in the database to draft and publish a new business listing or event.

Creating an Account

First, log-in or create an account. To create an account you’ll need an account name, email address, physical address, and a password. Account information is internal-only, so it won’t be published anywhere on our site.

If your physical address is outside of Massachusetts, reach out to us and let us know. The site is designed to promote Massachusetts-based businesses, so accounts with physical addresses located outside of Massachusetts may be denied if we don’t have necessary context.


Creating or Editing a Business Listing

If your business already has a listing on and it is out of date, email us and we can make sure your account is given editorial access over whatever pages you need to update, edit, or remove.

To create a new business listing, log in and click ‘Add New Business’ on the home screen. You’ll be asked to fill out some information about your business. Fields that are bolded are required to publish your business. Any field that is not bold is optional, but the more information you are able to include, the better your listing will appear on our site. If you leave a required field blank, you won’t be able to publish your listing.

  • Select the type of business you’re posting from our dropdown menu.
  • Include your website, address, phone number, and an email address.
  • Upload an image. Images are optional, but businesses and events with an image appear at the top of search results. Photos should be high-quality, recognizable, and sized 628 x 628 pixels. Please try to avoid photos with text or logos.
  • Add header copy. This should be one sentence that succinctly describes what you’re primarily offering, or otherwise describes the business. E.g. Whitcomb Summit Retreat “Spectacular mountain top view from every room!”
  • Add description: Keep description short but enticing. Offer an idea or two to spark interest.
  • Select the categories most appropriate for your business. Once approved, these are the pages it will appear on in our site.

Once your business listing is published you can add deals and events associated with that business.


Creating Deals and Events

Deals and events must be associated with an existing business listing. Once you have a listing, the event and deal creation pages work just like the business listing creation page. Required fields are bolded while optional fields are not.


Review Process

Everything submitted through the business database – new accounts, business listings, events, and any updates to existing pages – goes through a review process that typically takes about one business day. You will receive an email when your listing is approved.

If your listing is denied, you will receive an email detailing why. We’re happy to work with you to get your listing live, but keep in mind that our audiences are tourism-focused, so is not the most appropriate place to advertise some types of businesses and events. Businesses and events located outside of Massachusetts will not be considered. Once something is approved and published, it may take up to 24 hours to see your it live on the website.

Business listings and events can be edited at any time, so you can update your pages as frequently as you’d like. Page updates go through the same review process as new listings.

Reach out to us if you have any questions – we’re at your service.